TAP technique is not that difficult. It is just tapping lightly with your fingers on different points on your face. Everyone can do that!

However it is important what you say when you do it, because you speak to your unconscious, that is very good in following up to instructions. And when we essentially contradict ourselves we get contrary results.

But now at first I’m going to tell you how to apply the TAP technique yourself

it can be done it in 10 minutes …

To let a problem exist, you need proof of it. The story, the memory, the registration of an experience and feelings confirm the evidence. Feelings make a problem to be a problem. How you feel about something, determines if it is a problem or not. It is the feeling that makes the problem to be really true.

So, by example, some people feel frustration or anger rising when they hear loud music. While others enjoy the same music at the same volume. And they are even starting to feel better by it. And even sometimes they ask if it can be played a little louder.

In both cases the unconsious refers to memories or experiences that are connected to loud music. And the brain gives signals, that produce chemical substances that fit to those emotions.

the unconsious refers to memories, or experiences, connected to loud music,  the brain gives signals, that produce chemical substances that fit to those emotions


Originally EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, but it is also called Emotional Focussed Transformation. However, all variations use TAPPING.

In EFT they talk about the changing of energy and they use many meridian points, together with associated text, that you have to say out loud.

Faster EFT is more of a ’thinking system’, where NLP techniques are added and tapping points are removed from. As a result the process goes substantially ‘faster’ and less sessions are needed. That’s how it got the name. I often prefer to use faster EFT, but I also have the theoretical and practical knowledge of the other variations. And I also consider the energetics.

What the TAP technique is doing

The tap technique interrupts the signal in between the brain and the organs by focussing on the meridian points, that are connected with the organs. And the tapping in combination with the right words rewrites the references to the memory, that are associated with the respective trigger.

In other words:

  • when you are such a person that always gets angry with loud music
  • and when you want to change your reflex of anger or frustration
  • because you actually don’t like it yourself
  • and you don’t even understand where this vehemence comes from …

For whatever what reason you can apply the tapping technique. And so you can interrupt the production of substances, that cause the feelings of anger inside you. Because that’s how you change the meaning of loud music in the subconscious from annoying to enjoyable.

And this results into that you experience an automatic response of pleasure and joy, when you hear loud music in the future.

The tap technique interrupts the signal in between the brain and the organs, by focussing on the meridian points, that are connected with the organs, tapping in combination with the right words rewrites the references to the memory, that are associated, with the respective trigger
Demonstrating how to tap at the workshop Your Inner Power in Copenhagen

Step-by-step applying the TAP technique

Step 1: Exert

Think about your problem. Notice how you know you have this problem. You don’t have to know WHAT the feelings or emotions are, just notice how you know THAT they are there. What do you notice? Where in your body do you feel it? What do you see or what do you hear? How do you know that it is a problem?

Step 2: Tap

Use two fingers to tap lightly on your face, while you focus on the feeling you fingers give on your skin.

  • between your eyebrows
  • beside your eye
  • under your eye
  • a little under your collarbone

While you tap, you say ‘Release and let it go’ or ‘Eliminate and release’. It doesn’t make any difference on what side you tap, you can even tap on both sides at the same time.

Stedp 3: Peace

Next you take with one hand the wrist of your other arm. Than you take a deep breath in, blow it out and say: ‘Peace’ or ‘Freedom’ or ‘Love’. Choose what you like.

Step 4: Check

Go back to your problem and notice how it’s changed. Do you feel different or does it feel different? Has the intensity or the feeling changed? Does the memory seem to be different? Notice it. Nothing more.

Step 5: Repeat

Repeat the steps 2 to 4 until the feeling or the memory has flipped. In other words: until the negative feeling is replaced by a positive feeling.

The first tap is the key to success

Perseverence is essential. Do not stop until it is changed, even if you have the feeling that it’s not going to change, you continue. It changes when you keep on going till it happens. That may sound bizar, but it works when you just persist long enough.

We project our perception unto the world around us. But when you change your perception, your projection changes. And that will change your experience.

In the video below I show you how to tap on yourself. And what you say when you do that. Tap along with me when you watch and listen.

Start practicing and when you have questions, ask them via yes@jeannettevanuffelen.nl.

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